Two separate applications to build small wind generators in Old Buckenham look set to gain approval at a planning meeting next week.

Applicant Richard Lindner, wants to place two turbines off Crown Road, while Wiebke Clarke wants to place one turbine off New Buckenham Road.

Planning officers have recommended that both proposals are given the go ahead. They will be discussed by members of Breckland Council's development control committee on Monday.

Both plans refer to slender wind turbines with a height of about 15m to the centre of the hub and a 5.5m blade diameter.

Officers said Dr Lindner's generators would not have a significant impact on the setting of surrounding listed buildings and is unlikely to have a detrimental impact on the character of the area, while Mrs Clarke's generator was deemed not to impact on highway safety although it would be visible to passing traffic.

The council's environmental health officer has raised no objection to either application in terms of noise and disturbance subject to conditions which would protect the amenity of nearby residents.