Old soldier John Roach has turned his hand to poetry to help Hingham remember not just those who made the ultimate sacrifice in two world wars - but today's young servicemen and women who are risking their lives on foreign battlefields today.

Old soldier John Roach has turned his hand to poetry to help Hingham remember not just those who made the ultimate sacrifice in two world wars - but today's young servicemen and women who are risking their lives on foreign battlefields today.

Mr Roach, chairman of the Hingham branch of the Royal British Legion, wrote A Nation's Prayer, printed below, to go with the annual Remembrance Day display in a sweetshop window in his home village.

“We always remember everybody and everything from so long ago, but these lads are still out there today and we must remember them as well,” said Mr Roach, whose own son is a marine who has seen service in Iraq and Afghanistan.

A Nation's Prayer

Full four score and ten years the guns ceased to roar.

The world thought of peace and an end to all war;

Yet today men and women are answering the call

As their forefathers did, prepared to give all.

From the wild Afghan hills and hot sands of Iraq

We fervently pray that our young folk come back

Safe to their loved ones who await here on our shores

Having done with the need to fight foreign wars.

Their forefathers fought in foreign lands too:

Many gave of their days for me and for you.

We are asked through the years at this time to recall

The sacrifice made by those who gave all.

So think also, in your homes safe and warm,

Of the young people now fighting to keep us from harm.

Keep them in your hearts this day in November.

Pray God keep them safe.