The final preparations are now in hand for the Gislingham Open Village weekend on Saturday, June 14 and Sunday, June 15 between 10am and 5pm. St Mary's Church will host a Craft Fair, a second hand book sale, provide refreshments and sell the guides for 12 open gardens.

The final preparations are now in hand for the Gislingham Open Village weekend on Saturday, June 14 and Sunday, June 15 between 10am and 5pm. St Mary's Church will host a Craft Fair, a second hand book sale, provide refreshments and sell the guides for 12 open gardens.

The Art Show is in the village hall with over two hundred paintings by local artists for sale. There will be a huge plant sale outside the village hall. The Six Bells pub will be serving real ale and meals. All funds raised will support the Church, and the Village Hall. The church bells will be ringing out both afternoons between 2pm and 4pm.